Sunday, 14 December 2008


We had a great day today - took Barney and Millie for a walk around the woods. Let Millie off the lead as she comes when called and given a treat really well. She did very well until......

She had started to get a bit hyper - a sure sign that she was tiring towards the end of our hour long walk when we came upon a dog of her own size. She was scared of the bigger dogs. She wanted to play as did the other dog so we had to catch her as she would not comed when called. But apart from that we were really pleased with how things went - she is only 14 weeks old after all. She loved running around freely. The walk was quickly followed by a very much needed bath and a sleep whilst we popped into town for a few things.

I spent the afternoon making ATCs for the Swap bot website. Here are the ones I made today.

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