Sunday, 23 November 2008


Wow this is going to be like an online diary. How cool. Isn't it amazing how technology has developed in such a short space of time? I just love it. But also wish I had the time to play a lot more.

Today we are recovering from our trip to Norwich for one of Andy's cousins wedding - must remember to update my genes reunited and the family tree records. It was great to meet these two cousins for the first time - though we didnt get much of a chance to chat to them what with one being the groom and the other being the best man. It was a very nice wedding and I hope bride and groom had a great day.

So today we didn't do a great deal, Andy was suffering the after effects of the rich food so didn't get out of bed until 2pm. I have been on the computer and just lazing around really.

Took Millie and Barney for a walk on the green today. She loved it as it was the first time she has had a chance to have a good run round outside of the garden. Can't wait to take her to the woods next weekend.

Sev has been to Lakeside to watch a film and Alice has lazed around too. Sarah, I think was at work. I spoke to her briefly on facebook. So many ways to talk with her now, I get confused!! LOL. I can communicate by Skype, MSN, facebook, telephone, email. Have done all five this week. Might just use one more method of communication even if it is a little outdated now - that is a letter. Did you know that the snail mail post has reduced by 25% in the past five years - thanks to the PC.

I found a new website called It's pretty cool and you can get to swap almost anything. I started looking at the website because I had started looking into swapping ATCs. But the site also does post cards, amongst other things. So last Friday I sent five post cards of Hadleigh Castle to 5 people in the US, I am expecting to receive post cards from the US in the mail this week. Perhaps the snail mail might make a come back!! Then again maybe not.

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