The next church looked quite plain on the outside but inside it had some marvellous decoration from early 20th century artists with some very lovely aluminium panels.

The next church looked quite plain on the outside but inside it had some marvellous decoration from early 20th century artists with some very lovely aluminium panels.
Bold - In Progress
In red - done
1. Celebrate Earth Hour annually (1/2) -next one is March 2011
2. Give blood x amount of times - they wont let me give blood because I am anaemic
3. Visit a vineyard
4. Go to London Zoo
5. Go on holiday to Portugal
6. Write a love letter
7. Finish my ILM Level 5 Diploma
8. Make 3 Zentangles (0/3)
9. Take Glucosamine every day for one month - won't be doing this 10. Go swimming at least once a week for 3 months 8/12
11. Note personal expenditure for one month
12. Reduce personal expenditure the following month
13. Make ten different types of cookies
14. Make five different types of bread
15. Go out for a date with Andy (evening at pub or lunch at
restaurant) 10 times (four times a year) 8/10
16. Get a tattoo
17. Make handmade birthday cards for family and friends
18. Finish at least one of my quilts
19. Finish all three quilts
20. Finish making knitted bags
21. Give knitted bags as gifts to family or charity
22. Write a will
23. Go to a live concert
24. Go to a museum
25. Walk up Mount Snowdon with Andy
26. Go to chiropodist to sort out my left big toe
27. Make 10 Samaritan Christmas Shoeboxes (0/10)
28. Go to Pilates once a week for three months
29. Go to Tai Chi once a week for three months
30. Note migration of Andy’s and my family on Google Earth
31. Get to know the US states – NYC = New York City, IN =
Indiana (2/50)
32. Note where I have received and sent ATCs to in the US
33. Vote
34. Read the Department of Health website updates
once a month for 6 months (2/6)
35. Clear two credit cards (2/2)
36. Clear three credit cards (3/3)
37. Go to Scotland
38. Celebrate New Year’s Eve anywhere else but home
39. Re-style kitchen layout
40. Have new kitchen fitted
41. Buy new carpet for living room
42. Buy new suite for living room
43. Buy new mattress
44. Get Andy’s ring re-sized
45. Photograph Andy once a month to note weight loss
46. Go away on my own to a creativity weekend
47. Don’t buy craft materials for one whole month
48. Light candles on a birthday cake for my 400,000 hours
old birthday on 27 February 2011 at 2.30pm
49. Have a dinner party using our new dinner service and
50. Tidy up my filing cabinet
51. Keep my work room tidy
52. Wash the kitchen floor every day for 7 days in a row (7/7)
53. Get promoted
54. Decorate/Paint dining room walls
55. Do a scrapbook of Millie
56. Do a scrapbook of Barney
57. Do a scrapbook of Andy’s weight loss journey
58. Take Millie training classes
59. Go to 6 salsa dance lessons with Andy
60. Test drive a car
61. Get my driving licence sorted out
62. Spend an entire day watching films
63. Compliment one person every day (103/1001)
64. Send a card to the IT Helpdesk to thank them for all their hard work and dedication
65. Learn to save a life (Basic Life Support course )
66. Recycle six printer cartridges (5/6)
67. Have at least one meal a week together as a family at the table (we used to do this all the time – why don’t we anymore?) (35/143)
68.Donate grains of rice to feed one person for one day 6,600/19,200
69. Donate grains of rice to feed one person for one week 6,600/1,344,000
70. 12 random acts of kindness [4/12]
71. Make 5 mix tapes and send off 2/5
72. Send 20 post cards via swap bot 11/20
73. Watch 26 movies I’ve never seen starting with each letter of the alphabet [26/26]
74. Do 100 geocaches (100/100)
75. Watch sunrise and sunset on same day
76. Make a book with my favourite quotes
77. Ride a motorbike
78. Write a letter to me in the future (open after 1001 days – hopes for future etc
79. Change my job
80. Watch ALL of the films that have starred Leonardo di Caprio 7/21
81. Go to midnight mass on Christmas Eve.
82. Read some of the classics on a 6th form college English lit reading list or the Pulitzer prize book list
83. Watch a live football match/cricket game/golf tournament
84. Set up geocaches in my area 12/12
85. Go to a quiz nite, in a pub or at the church hall
86. Meet at least one internet friend in person
87 . Design a treasure hunt in the woods for Abbie and Alex
88. Complete wreck this journal
89. Do 200 geocaches (200/200)
90. Make 10 dotees (3/10)
91. Do 500 geocaches (500/500)
92 Do 1000 geocaches (863/1000)
93, Do 100 Church Micros
94. Think of 8 more